Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Ice Cream Ruben Sandwich

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The Beginning

It all began a week ago when the Google Nexus twitter feed (@googlenexus) announced challenge #2: "Challenge 2: Make something geeky & edible." I knew that in order to even have a chance at winning the challenge I had to do something completely different- the week before I'd been talking about making ice cream, and seeing that the new version of Android is Ice Cream Sandwich I knew that I had to make one.

Of course, I knew that everyone would make an Ice Cream Sandwich- so I needed to be unique- I decided on a savory ice cream sandwich. But what? Well, we all know that Andy Rubin was the co-founder of android so the decision was easy- I would make an Ice cream "Ruben" sandwich.

Raw Beef Ready for cure

Stage One- Pastrami

I had never made pastrami but I figured that it couldn't be that difficult. I got a piece of beautiful beef from our local grass fed beef farmer (If you're in Victoria I encourage you to look into his products here).

Beef In Cure

 I placed the beef into a simple brine of salt, peppercorns, bay leaves, cumin and a little sugar. The beef was cut in half and placed in the cure for 5 days.

Cured Beef after five days

After 5 days, I removed, and dried excess moisture from the beef- the colour and texture had changed appreciably. Next I rolled the beef in a spice mix of pepper and cumin and placed in cold smoke for 8 hours.

Seasoned and ready to be smoked

 I smoked the beef for 8 hours using apple wood.

With cold smoking it is important to keep the temperature down- fortunately for the beef (not for me) it spent most of yesterday pouring with rain so the internal temperature stayed very low, I just got wet.

Smoking In action

I use the A-maze-n cold smoker in my weber kettle- it smokes for up to 12 hours and requires very little attention.

Once smoked, I needed to steam the pastrami- I decided to steam it over chicken stock I'm sure it made the end product taste better.
Smoked  almost pastrami in the Steamer

Since I was making soup for dinner I already had some stock so it was easy to add another chicken frame and a couple more onions.

The beef then steamed for 4 hours- ending up with pastrami!

Unfortunately it was close to 2am so I forgot to take a completed photo- I took one today though!

The Completed and delicious pastrami.

Ice Cream mixture warming on top of a boiler

Stage Two- Ice Cream and Bread

It was sad to do, but next I blended the pastrami with cream, egg yolks and milk (I needed the milk to loosen it all up a little)
I then cooked the mixture over some boiling water to thicken. I then chilled the mixture and placed in the ice cream machine!

Bread Dough

I quickly put together some light rye bread dough ( flour, salt, yeast water). and left that to double in size.

Next I kneaded and turned out onto a lined tray, making sure it  was nice and thin on the tray!

Bread Turned out onto oven tray

I waited until the bread had risen again, brushed with egg and then put in the oven for 20 minutes until amazing looking!

The Finished Bread

I had to hold my girlfriend back from eating the entire thing.

Pastrami ice cream ready to harden

At this point the ice cream was churned and ready to be put in the freezer (it doesn't look too good I know, but it is delicious!

Stage 3- Assembly

Next up was the assembly- apologies for shoddy video- I basically sliced ice cream, flattened bread, added sauerkraut,  and seasoned with mustard (I just realized I FORGOT THE CHEESE!)

I then ate it- DELICIOUS!

The finished product

Me eating the sandwich!

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